Quick Setup - [Vault Vision](https://vaultvision.com) ================== This Vault Vision setup will get you up and running with a local web application where you can experiment with all the flow and integration points. ```{note} Prefer to watch a video? [React application user authentication setup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7It1YuXyBc) ``` ## Create an Account at Vault Vision Navigate to [Register](https://manage.vaultvision.com/register) and create an account. ## Use the getting started wizard and create a tenant with a default application Navigate to [Getting Started](https://manage.vaultvision.com/start) and create a tenant and application. First you will need to choose a name for the url for your login and registration pages. Pick a name for your tenant address, use our vvkey.io address or a custom domain with our Professional Plan (Free 30 day trial). You can accept all the defaults, although you will need to give your tenant and application a name. The name can be anything, it's only purpose is to help you distingish it later when you have multiple tenants and applications. ```{note} For these default local applications make sure you select 'Single Page Web App' as the Application Type. ![Single Page Web App](img/spa.png) ``` ## Option 1 create a React Application with our React js boilerplate ```{note} Prefer to watch a video? [React application user authentication setup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7It1YuXyBc) ``` - clone this github repo containing our React js boilerplate project - Copy over the env vars from the [Vault Vision Management Panel](https://manage.vaultvision.com/go#applications) into a NEW .env file located at the root of the project. You can copy this file as an example , or simply rename it .env and populate it with your correct env vars. - Run the npm start command to launch a local instance ``` npm run start ``` ## Option 2 create an application using our HTML boilerplate - clone this github repo containing our HTML boilerplate project - Copy over the env vars from the [Vault Vision Management Panel](https://manage.vaultvision.com/go#applications) into one of these files: or - Run the npm start command to launch a local instance ``` npm run start ```